Thursday, March 24, 2011

Pamela The Tac - Angelic

When power of the arts
With unique magic touches hearts
Like nova, you Pamela Ohonde shine
Among those you have elevated to cloud nine

A champion of orphaned children cause
Being a veteral orphan yourself
Oh Pamela, talented daughter of Ugenya
With what praise can we salute you
For your hearty contribution to the unknown
Orphaned children of fate far, far away…………..

Your fame will echo across- the seas
As your kindness resonates with orphan woes
Feeling the pulse of your help to unknown
In far away in Usigu-Yimbo and Ukwala Ugenya
Where the HIV/ AIDS pandemic has ravaged many
Robbing homes and cropping orphnas everywhere

Oh Pamela, your vision is a worthy mission:
Indeed a hostilic approach to child development
Through reading writing to child development
Harnesing talents of great value to society
When - the power of the arts
With its unique magic touch hearts

The daughter of Nzoia, daughter of Ugenya
You are an angel with a heart of gold
And that’s why your tale must be told
To promote the arts to foster development:
To control, reduce and manage hive/ aids
To consolidate the role of Kenyans in the Diaspora
From the new road Baptist Church, Oxford City
To pay school fees for our orphans education
And to create home based health care for all:
You’re most worthy contribution to the unknown

Oh nyar Siranga, a rare star in our galaxy
What song of praise can we compose for you ,
That would be most fitting for your sacrifice
To the orphaned children of Usigu and Ukwala
The focus of your benevolence and selflessness,
Great attributes that few have,
And yet attributes that very few use………….
To care fro the needy, the lonely and forgotten

Your efforts insulate many from the future disasters
Often child labour, prostitution and molestation
Often opening a Pandora’s box of human cruelty
Where the orphan is stigmatized without sympathy-

Oh Pamela Ohonde, daughter of Siranga
Nyar duke wahinde mar Siranga
Where the mighty river Nzioa brings delight,
We salute you fro your magnamity
And for your open mind
We salute you!!!Pamela the Tac:- angelic

@ AUGUST 2007